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20 May 2019 · 1 min read

The Quintessential Hello World!

Hello there! I’m glad to have found you land here. Welcome to my personal blog, where I plan to write on tech and other things that interest me.

I have been meaning to set up a fresh personal website-slash-blog for myself for a bit now and some time back someone told me (actually, I read somewhere) that “all the cool kids are using Gatsby these days”, so here I am - trying out my luck, dabbling around with Gatsby and Netlify to set this up! I’ll probably do a more detailed post in the future on my journey through it, and talk about things that I like (or not!) about them.

So like most good things in this world, this website is still very much work-in-progress. A shout-out to the wonderful gatsby-starter-lumen starter theme by Alexander Shelepenok and team which helped me a lot by providing an amazing ground work while starting to build this; although I’ll admit I can’t help myself going crazy with all the customizations!

You can check out the about and get in touch pages to know more about me.
